Monday, November 26, 2007

Australian Idol is over. not that I care. except that I do, because it means no more Sunday night Matt singing to look forward to.

And of course, it was a massive surprise that Matt did not win, but came second. A pleasant surprise however.

You may be wondering what my logic is. You see, this awful debut single was written (by *dry wretch* mark holden) for the winner to kick start their career with. And it just wasn't for Matt. So I sighed a breath of relief, knowing he is now free to sing and do what he wants. And not become a stigmatic 'Idol Winner'. Ahhhhhh


Lana said...

Good for him and you I suppose :P! What a load of posts, a sign you are back!!

Eva. said...

I loved Australian idol! and your blog ..would you like to trade links?

Molly :] said...

Ah, the joys of american idol... :) x

Siru said...

I understand you totally, last season of Finnish Idol the person who won really shouldn't have. He would be great singing metal, but cause f the format he is now just a rock singer...

juliet xxx

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Ella Gregory said...

It's over already? I don't watch it but I thought it had only just started!